Sufi’s Story
Hello everyone my name is Sufi. I was graduated from English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan in 2018.
Currently I am working on several schools in Western Australia, hired by Education Department of WA, covering from pre primary to high school. This is my second year to work in here as language assistant for Bahasa Indonesia. Apart from teaching Indonesian to kids in here, I do also introduce them with the cultures, art performances, and sometimes teaching the history of Indonesia and the relationship to Australia in general, and also support learning for small mix aged group classroom.
Working in education sector in here made me realise how important the knowledge that I have learnt and studied when I was back in English Department. The background knowledge of teaching that I had learnt such as developing materials of teaching, strategy in encountering learning difficulties also improving my English extensively in heaps of areas of learning.
Of course, working in here is way so different than in Indonesia, from the perspective of the environment or even the students. However, the knowledge that I have had achieved when studying in English Department has had so much helped me a lot as the ground-based to overcome any of the learning problems at school.