Jangan Pakai HWD terus!!!
Zaman sekarang masih ngucapin orang nikah pakai ‘Happy Wedding’? Aduh, basi banget gak sih! Yuk, upgrade ucapan kamu biar lebih keren. Nih, beberapa alternatif kalimat bahasa Inggris buat ngucapin selamat nikah yang dijamin gak monoton:
How can I improve my listening?
Ernest Hemingway once said, “When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.”
Ready to Network? Boost Your Small Talk Game!”
Making conversation can feel tricky, especially if you’re shy or struggle with social anxiety. However, small talk is a great way to start a conversation and build a connection, whether in casual or professional settings.
How to use comparative and superlative adverbs in English
Learn how to form and use comparative and superlative adverbs in English. Discover the rules, exceptions, and practical examples to improve your language skills.
Idioms in English: Meanings and Explanations
Idioms are a fascinating part of the English language, offering a way to express ideas in a creative and colorful manner.