Niswi’s Story

Niswi’s Story

Hello everyone, I’m Niswi Ulfini. I’m one of the alumni of English language education department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University. I graduated in 2016.

Currently I’m working as a learning specialist for test preparations at an educational start up in Indonesia called As a learning specialist, I oversee some projects or programs starting from planning, implementing, and monitoring. Other than working at a start up company, I also work as an adjunct lecturer at Islamic Institute of Darussalam Martapura.
I teach English starting from this semester for students of syariah faculty (Islamic law). I believe I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for the knowledge and skill that I got from the lecturers and the courses in English Language Education Department. I remember when I was a new university student, I didn’t have any ability at all to speak English, but the courses in the English Language Education Department had helped me a lot in not only nurturing my ability in teaching English, but also helping me in learning the English skill itself. So, I’ll be forever grateful for that. I think that’s all about my story, I hope you can get some insights from it.
Thank you for watching and Bye bye

Kalau orang lain bisa, kenapa harus kita. Jika hari mu buruk dan penuh masalah, ingat lah satu hal itu bukan urusan saya.